Catholic funerals

In Catholicism, there is often a sense of mystery that surrounds some of the procedures and the ways that things are done. At funerals, this is no less true and many who have been to a Catholic funeral service can testify to the length of the procedure. In this faith, funeral services involve long prayers, as well as eulogies, and so often run over time. When the making the funeral arrangements, the planner of the funeral needs to be aware of this and make time for it.  
Catholic funerals often have a great part of the ceremony performed in Latin, since this is the language of the faith. And though most may not understand exactly what they are hearing, they can agree that it is about the sentiment of the funeral program, rather than the actual words spoken. Funeral services in Catholicism are very sad affairs, though it is really the days that follow the service that are harder for the family, and it is in those days that they need the most support.  
Other than a few basic points though, there really is no difference when considering a Catholic versus a Methodist or Anglican funeral. The only difference is the interpretation of death and the type of religious leader who leads the ceremony. Thus funeral planning for Catholicism is quite similar to the planning for that of any religion, and the same things need to be considered from the casket, to the memorial service and even to the flowers for funerals. There are only a few differences between the ceremonies of the different sectors of the Christian faith and in these cases, the religious leader of that faith can advise what needs to be done.  
For those who attend these funerals and are not of the faith, the general rule of behaviour is the same for that of any faith. Dress modestly, be sure to express your sympathies to the family and take the time to really pay your respects to the deceased. Remember too that funerals are for the living, not the dead, so it is your presence at these funerals that is really important.