3 easy steps to becoming a furniture design blogger

Blogging has become an internet phenomenon where individuals and organisations use the World Wide Web to express opinions. There are thousands upon thousands of online blogs with subjects ranging from car engine capacity to raging hormones during pregnancy. Blogs can be an effective method for marketing products as well. Companies acquire the services of a highly skilled blogger who then talks about the company online, finding creative ways to engage readers. Furniture design blogs can be used much the same way.
Furniture design enthusiast can be attracted by a blogger to read about the latest in furniture design, furniture exhibitions, interior designing and everything else to do with furniture. Ideas can be shared by readers on various subjects. Readers can also ask the blogger for tips and share their experiences with furniture design. This opens the door to potentially thousands of followers who will receive updates on what ever product is being marketed. Blogging also allows for the interaction between the company and its target market. The target market can express their views online which will help strengthen the company’s operations as customer relations is the foremost important aspects of any business. So how does one go about establishing a furniture design blog?
1. The key is to find out as much as possible about the topic. Readers can pick up when an author is not knowledgeable on a particular topic and can easily be put off. Read up on as much as you can about furniture design.  
2. Always give personal experiences and opinions. Readers like to feel that they know the blogger and this can be achieved by adding anecdotes and sharing experiences. Adding a personal touch never fails.
3. Be creative. Present a completely new perspective on well discussed topics.
Other social media such as Twitter and Facebook can be employed to advertise the blog, attracting a wider range of readers. A study showed that almost half the people who use social media are between the ages of 21 and 40 which is the economically active age group. These are the people who have spending power.